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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Joe Leithauser for Granville Village Council - The Campaign and Installation

Joe was installed- twice! The first time to get things moving so he could vote and engage. It also allows Rob to complete his service, thank you Rob.  And then on 12-20-23 at the Council meeting with his children and wife observing he did it again and participated in his first meeting. We're proud of him on Newark-Granville Road!

We giggled, it was quite, Joe said- just like church- we giggle! It's okay we're happy and engaged, so grateful we all could be together on this special day.

11-8-23  Joe won! I'll share details and data at some point but feel like we should share the results on this post! More soon in the blog about being sworn in on 12-20-23 and how he'll want to engage, share and hear from village and community members!! THANK YOU for making this so, each sign, check, conversation mattered!  Life on Newark-Granville Road is going in an exciting new direction!

11-7-23  Today is the day- we just voted for Joe! Joe is the Way to Go- someone said that, cute tagline!!

Regardless if he wins or loses, he is committed to our community will be involved and will run again. Finding ways to integrate communication into his service.  Going door to door has been affirming and energizing for both of us!  THANK YOU to everyone for support, texts, signs in yards, events, messages, and talking him up we heard it was working when talking with great Granvillians!

FYI, Sally and Peter voted early when home for Fall breaks and Clare was via absentee ballot!

Life on Newark-Granville Road has been very interesting, I'm really proud of Joe.

 10/25/23- Link updated- I didn't get to watch live, but enjoyed reviewing on the YouTube link:

10/22/23   Learn more about Joe's insights, reasons, and experience:

Recorded Forum on Monday, Oct 23, 2023

The Granville Chamber Alliance and the League of Women Voters of Licking County will jointly host a ‘virtual’ Candidate Forum from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. on Monday, October 23rd. Each candidate was afforded time for a brief opening statement and was asked to respond to two questions from among questions received from the community. Candidates also shared a brief closing statement.

Please understand that this is not a debate format. Rather, the intent of this Forum is to allow candidates to share their own perspective and positions on key issues important to voters and to provide non-partisan education and information so that our local electorate is well informed about the upcoming election.

Thank you in advance for your interest to become an informed voter!

Youtube Channel

Thank you to all that are learning more, supporting Joe, hosting signs and sharing information about his run for Village Council!

10./15/23- We have heard of the first vote for Joe, by Peter Leithauser!  Peter was home for fall break and the Wabash-Denison sporting events so he participated in early voting! Want to know about voting in Licking County, visit this site:  Early voting info:

In Person Early Voting Hours

Board of Elections Office – 20 S. Second St., Newark
November 7, 2023 General Election

Want to know more about candidates and issues:  The League of Women Voters is a valuable organization and provides this 411 site for details about issues and for candidates to answer questions and provide information to help you make a decision on how you cast your vote! Or maybe to help you think about questions for the candidates. Joe is ready to hear your thoughts and answer your questions. Communication is key, he knows this and Granville!  However he also needs to work with the other elected officials, volunteers and residents- so we all have an important role to play.

Life on Newark-Granville Road is interesting these days. Our grass-roots campaign appreciates your support! Signs, donations- see below, questions and dialogue- spread the word- Joe Knows Granville, if you can vote in the village Vote for Joe!

Wed Sept 27, 2023:

Yes, Joe is running for Granville Village Council.  Join us on Sunday, October 1, 2023 from 3-5 pm at Wildwood Park to learn more, sign up to assist, and make a contribution! We'll also be planning yard sign distribution and neighborhood canvassing!

If you would like to donate, the maximum donation he can accept is $100 per family member. You can Venmo support to VoteJoeLeithauser or send a check to Treasurer Rob Ley, made out to Elect Joe Leithauser, 726 Westwood Dr, Newark ,OH 43055.

If you can't meet at Wildwood, but want to assist send Joe an email at or text him at 740 587 0435.

Thank you for the support, interest and care for our community.

Life on Newark-Granville Road- something new and exciting- I'm proud of Joe and his commitment to our community at an important time.  I'll post more here and be sharing on social media!  Joe Knows Granville and wants to serve!

Monday, September 11, 2023

2023-24 Book Club List


For over twenty years this group has gathered and selected a year's worth of reading, for discussion! The 23-24 list is a good one. We meet on the 1st Monday of the month- except labor day. Most meetings are in the lobby at Cherry Valley Hotel at 7:30 p.m. Some people get a glass of something and we always discuss the book. You are welcome if you haven't but spoilers happen. We're social too, how could we not be.  It is a wonderful group, still all women, and an occasional guest male joins us. For me, the reading experience is enhanced when I process by talking, listening, and contemplating many elements and perspectives related to a read or listen!! Life on Newark-Granville Road is better when I'm reading with this group, Thank you all!  

Friday, September 8, 2023

Things I want to do now that I have completed my MA* and after I move offices**!

1. GOLF- I barely golfed once a week this year- The Wednesday league didn't happen nearly enough due to travel, but each time I play I'm grateful.  Played 18 with Joe and Peter, and Bob Otter for 9 though!!

2. READ- Yes I'm back to reading, need to sync up my Good Reads Accounts, love that when I found the right account- the biggest with goals even- "Stoner" by John Williams was top of the list, and then Margot Singer's book listed there.

3. Go shooting with Joe- trap, skeet, sporting clays (never done)!

4. Excercise- have to get back to exercise

5. What I don't want to do as much- is be in the office on weekends, I do like to start Monday fresh, I like the quiet time but I took the full weekend off this weekend and it was so nice, I finished a book!

6. Drive the Scooter/Vespa- I named her Aurelia!  Liscense: check, plates- check, class- in progress, comfort: getting there- I did drive her the first time on NG road last weekend.

7. Back to sending letters- weekly...

8. Casual, easy time with friends...

9. For 2023 FAll-get Joe Leithauser elected to Granville Council!

10. Keep up with LFSOP, TFS, and topics that matter to this important field- join AFC!

Life on Newark-Granville Road is full and fabulous!

*completed the MA- Masters of Arts, Philanthropic Studies, Indiana University, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI. I have received notice, the diploma is in the mail!

**I've loved being in Burton Music, on College St/ downhill/South Quad- I was a music minor and took classes here and Peter took Suzuki here.  It has been lovely but it is time to go. This beautiful building- read more- will be restored to a residence hall! Isn't that wonderful - Students will live here and this means Denison is doing well and needs the space!

So where will you find me on the hill- Doane for now! More on Doane later- but yes this is a temp move as we'll go to a new building being built near Softball/Bio Reserve for IT, UComm, and Advancement- move in March!  Those in Doane (Adam Weinberg) moved to Beth Eden recently- it is gorgeous- and Whistler!  Have questions, let me know- feels a lot like who is on first!?!