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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Leithauser End of 2018/ Welcome 2019 Card!

What a Wonderful Year 2018 was indeed!  I've been fortunate  to have time to reflect on pictures and posts recently.   I can not share the reactions here, I am grateful facebook/ instagram captured it and share as the year goes.  What I appreciate is the foundation these good times have built upon- not just a great trip to the OBX with Stoners in 2018 or Leithausers lake time over a holiday -repeated get together for years in these now beloved places have made memories all the more rich and valued.  Camp for the girls isn't just camp- its beautiful journeys to West Virginia that started when I was a girl.  The college searches are fun- nice to have Clare and Peter close for efficiencies! Wooster it is for Clare, although I thought it would be Peter's- he has loved basketball camp there.  We'll see what 2019 holds for him.  I remember my search and thank my parents great coaching that led me to Denison and the liberal arts education.  It wasn't the school I picked for myself from "the book".  What would my life be like if we hadn't stopped in Granville when traveling to Ohio.  And yay Joe for following Scott to Granville in 1986. 2018 is wonderful as it will be one of those important years when we reflect in the future.  Good to know now!

Not shown on the 2018 card:  basketball, field hockey, tennis, golf, swim team, Moundbuilders Country Club, a full life in Granville and beyond thanks to so many dear friends, special trips you can find in earlier posts or call and ask us!  Joe and I are both having success with our fulfiling careers- Data Analytics and Development- we work in incredible folks! We're very blessed, we count our blessings and are grateful for a wonderful 2018!!!  It wasn't perfect and certainly some challenaging times- but a year full of wonder as we reflect, count our blessings and look forward to what 2019 will bring.

And as always we hope you'll join us to celebrate, gather, thank and connect at our annual Derby Party! Once invited always invited- save the date- Saturday, May 4, 2018- details on the blog this spring!!  The photographs of Clare are from her senior photo session with Susan Miller:
Future post with more amazing photos coming soon!!

So here is scoop on these pics with some behind the scenes scoop:

Joe and Susan top left corner- knocking on doors for the Granville School levy- earlier blog bout it. Love to partner with my beloved Joe!

Leithauser 5- top center- Keeneland Fall 2018- love love this tradition, all the more fun this year with expanded Granville group! Love that we all love to dress-up, enjoy the math\handicapping lessons and shopping in the south.

Leithauser 3 kids- right top corner- Wooster bookstore- this was her magic day. Thanks to cousin Kathy for setting up the perfect visit- an International Political Science class, where she understood thanks to GHS Global Studies and a visit with the Lacrosse coaches.  That led to the invite to return and clinic with the team, that led to the offer to join the team! Dream come true for Clare- liberal arts school and playing lax!

Center right side- Homestead pool with the Stoner cousins- even rain didn't dampen our summer get together. We missed Clare- working as a camp counselor- but really value the fun at this historic southern retreat!  Louisa is Sarah's daughter standing, Grace and Emma- Matthew's daughters on the left.

Center right side- Joe and Sally- post lax game at Bryn Du, Granville.  Sports certainly provides so many lessons and bonding times in our lives on Newark-Granville Road!

Bottom right corner- Congratulations Will Leithauser! Taken at St. Charles Graduation with the Leithuaser family- so proud of Joe's godson.  He is doing so well at University Cincinnati! 

Center bottom- Family cocktail picture on the Homestead porch- Nana/Pap love to get us together under one roof and we try to capture it with a photo.  We coordinated this around camp drop off- time with Clare wasn't on site but still quality time!

Left bottom corner- neighbor trick-or-treat- we have great neighbors- this is one fun moment! Thanks Tina Wayne Berman for these costumes!!

Left side- Peter shares a dance with me during dinner at The Homestead- hmmm many pictures from that weekend made the card- I really must value that time!!  Also love the tradition of a dance- with Joe, my Dad, my brother, my brother in law, the girls with their brother, Peter with Nana.....

Left side- December tree decorating with Sanaya- our Denison host student from India and our classmate's daughter!  And...Lucy- the new one year old St. Bernard pup we adopted in December!!
That evening was full with a visit to the Works for the glass artist-in-residence show, picked up Indian food at Taste of India in Heath, chased down the dog as she escaped and it freaked Sally out and we were not the best at remaining calm but found her at the neighbors....and then drove to see amazing Christmas lights in Licking County before taking Sanaya home.

The year isn't over and the winter season has just begun as it is the Winter Solstice, so check back for 2018 holiday wrap up next week!  Thanks for reading, sharing, caring and staying in touch! 
Warmly- Susan with Joe, Clare, Peter and Sally!

Monday, December 17, 2018

A post for a Sunday in December.

I wanted to post this yesterday- on Sunday. It makes sense for Sunday posts to have religious direction.  Content today is looking back and looking forward.

I've wanted to share this sermon preached at FPC in early December for weeks, love that technology  allows us to share things like this!!  Karen Chakoian, First Presbyterian's Pastor wrote this sermon. Janice Hilkerbaumer, our Parish Associate delivered it- so well.  I love teamwork and this was the epitome of partnership.  Most important is the message!  Here is it, The Messy Lineage of Jesus:

A new friend asked about where to attend Christmas Eve service in Granville.  I wanted to share insights on all the churches.  I tend to like to know the options and I like to be fair.  Each church has so much to offer.  However I love our church and want to make sure this friend and all of you readers know how welcome you are at First Presbyterian Church of Granville.  The challenge is which service!!?!!  The 4:30 is so sweet and simple- very close to my heart.  It just isn't the children participating- it is the adults and young adults behind the scenes!  The 6:30 Service with the amazing Angel Choir- you won't be sorry!! Like to sing the carols on Christmas Eve? This service is for you!  I've been known to attend multiple services to feed my soul in all directions. The quiet, stillness and sweetness of the remarkable event deserves a service like the 9:30 pm.  I do miss midnight services from my young adult life but recognize what an effort it is to do these!! Thank you FPC!! This is from Facebook:

Join us on Christmas Eve!
4:30pm | Family Worship with Children's Choir
6:30pm | Lessons and Carols with Angel Youth Choir
9:00pm | Intimate Communion Service with Chancel Choir

Here is the link to the FPC site.  This is the church in Granville on the north west corner, brown stone.

Please know you are always invited! Christmas Eve is special and wonderful but so is
every Sunday. It is a great way to start the week, find support for our world and make new friends.  All this said is an awesome quote that just appeared in my Facebook feed!!

I believe churches are meant for praising God. But so are 2am car rides, showers, coffee shops, the gym, conversation with friends, strangers, etc  Don't let a building confine your faith because we will never change the world by just going to church we need to be the church.

Amen- Lauren, I need to figure out who wrote this and give credit.  Life on Newark-Granville Road- Sunday post on a Monday, church and love of God, love of our Advent season and all the lessons everywhere!

Join us on Christmas Eve!
4:30pm | Family Worship with Children's Choir
6:30pm | Lessons and Carols with Angel Youth Choir
9:00pm | Intimate Communion Service with Chancel Choir

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Ankle Update- Surgery Again, Now Nesting

Blog updates on Newark-Granville Road really love a musical number to tell the story, set the tone.  Here I Come Again by Dolly Parton.....take a listen:

Words could be:

Here you come again
Just when I've begun to get myself together
You waltz right in the door
Just like you've done before
And wrap my ankle with a lot of bandage!

Here you come again
Just when I'm about to make it work without you
You looked into my ankle
And knew just what to do
And pretty soon I'm grateful just how I came to meet you

All I got to do is use the icer and elevate
And follow the instruction, let down my defenses
Just leave it up to you and wait
You're setting up my mind and fillin' up my senses

Here you come again
Lookin' better now with Dr. Berlett
And shakin' me up so that all I really know
Is here you come again
And here I go......

Ankle Update- follow up on the August 29th post:  surgery happened- yesterday!  This will be short as I'm still "under the influence" and not feeling any pain.  My surgeon was right- surgery was needed. Ruptured tendon, screws were causing distress/difficult to remove. I'll know more next week at my follow-up meeting.  I can't stress enough how grateful I am for my last Physical Therapist who matched my gut reaction and said- this isn't right, it can be better, go see this specialist. We see lots of success with this physician.  I'm glad I was pointed to Dr. Berlett.

I'm home following doctor's orders- foot elevated for a week- prevent swelling.  This won't be easy for me but it is worth it.  And I needed the orders- I was thinking about how I could go out for dinner Saturday and the Lessons and Carols service at Denison Sunday- nope.  Getting in and out of my house is the hardest part of this anyway.  So the no go is okay with me, I'm home for a week!

Lucy the new dog is thrilled to have me here and I'm happy to have the bonding time.  No meal trains- appreciate the offers. Friends are calling and working with Joe and me directly on our needs.  I will be going to Maryland post follow-up appointment to recuperate in Maryland with my parents and sister. I'm so fortunate to have this opportunity- my parents home is a ranch and my Mom is a fabulous cook and care provider. I'll take the quality time with them too.  

Life on Newark-Granville- I know this drill. My family knows it.  Lessons being applied from the last time- mostly things about ourselves. I will ask for help and I'm grateful for the care. I'm grateful for the repairs and this opportunity to work with Dr. Berlett on my ankle.  Everyone said ankle breaks are complicated- they were right.  The big lesson I keep repeating- see a specialist, trust your gut, and in my life on NG Road- don't be in such a hurry.
Lucy by my side.
12-17-18 Update- all is well! I've been following doctor's orders.  No pain, some slight discomfort when I shift under the bandage, it feels superficial- maybe incision site??  Medication a bit blah for my tummy.  Cocktail hour has returned to Life on Newark-Granville Road.  We'll know more tomorrow- looking forward to follow-up with my doctor!!  Next stage and seeing what is under the bandage will be good for me.  So grateful for the meals, visits, care from Joe and kids, friends. The phone calls, texts and emails mean so so much.  The timing actually has been great as I've loved being in my living room on Newark-Granville Road. 

I've caught up on Shutterfly projects and printed the blog from 2018!  Bonding and getting to know Lucy is good.  She has found her perch/place and is snoring as I type.   I did binge on Ozark and excited about the second season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel! I laughed a lot with the S2 E1!! Started Jack Ryan one last night. Movie night opportunities- recommendations matter.  Danielle thanks for Deck the Halls- I LOVE Kristen Chenoweth!!

So you can tell- I'm not bored and embracing the "down time". I'm keeping up with work via email and grateful for the partnership there.  Important stuff moving forward!!  I'm tired of asking for help but have no choice. Life on Newark-Granville Road- so much more with kids and exams, December to-dos but from my nest all is good.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Denison Parent Helps us Navigate Parenthood!

Please watch this fun, real, great touch point TedX talk.  Susan Lyon is one of the parents I've had the honor to meet and work with at Denison.  My role with philanthropy is amazing and it is the people that share their resources and perspectives that make it special-  Enjoy!!

I've wanted to share this fun find in my life on Newark-Granville for some time.  Today's conversation in Sunday School- Families in Faith- at Granville FPC, reminded me of this gem.  We're not perfect parents or people but we're given Grace and inspired to do so with others.  It is the season to prepare for the baby that will save us, remind us, care for us and walk with us as not perfect parents.

Yoga yesterday shared a wonderful message. When the negative happens, how to turn it into the positive.  The "to" this happened "to" me- argh, can be the this happened "for" me.  This ties to the video and Susan's message.  Our conversation this morning about what we do wrong, but recognizing we can turn it into "for"  This connects to the message - we are creating resilient, capable adults- our goal.  FPC friends and so many others-we're all in it together and showing them how "faith" works in our lives.  We're giving the gift of God's love and the best gift of all arriving December 25th.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Welcome December, Welcome Lucy our new Pup!

Yes Santa, I want a dog please.
Beautiful day to find a tree!

Successful tree crew 2018.
3 kids, a tree and a is good!

Sally meets the new dog.
Peter meets the new dog

Thanks for my new home. Peter and Lucy
Susan and Lucy- on pick-up night in Hagerstown.

Driving Miss Lucy to Ohio!

We said we were ready for a dog and the universe provided. Okay- there really is no good time to get a dog, but...Call it an early Christmas gift or restoration of balance in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.  We're dog people and all feels right with Lucy here. 

Lucy's story- I mentioned to a colleague (animal lover) that we were ready to look for a dog.  I promised the kids once fall travel was over we'd start looking.  I was tagged me on Facebook when she saw potential pups. A video showcasing toddlers engaging with this sweet faced Saint Bernard mix needing a new home caught my attention. Joe watched the video and we explored options.  She was in eastern Pennsylvania and I was traveling to DC.  It would work to add a drive home.  I called the vet and was able to secure appointments and boarding for our holiday plans.  Things seemed to fall into place so Friday night I made arrangements to meet and possibly bring her home.  

Life on Newark-Granville is all about adopting dogs.  I remember visiting my college roommate Lori Kurschner after graduation. She inspired me with her adopted golden retriever, it made sense- so many dogs need homes. Often I helped place dogs, taking them in for a bit.  I even helped my brother's dog Lindy find a home in Kentucky when I was there- meeting him half way to connect from Kansas City.  Joe and I adopted Jax the Bouvier early in our marriage.  It is nice to have the story and history of a dog when finding a match.  The video Lucy's mother posted was so helpful.  We need a dog all three kids can walk and a dog that likes other dogs.  We tested that with Lucy right off the bat- we spent the night in Hagerstown with sweet Maggie. Maggie and Lucy's tails didn't stop wagging and not a peep during introduction. Nana and Pap gave her the thumbs up too. At the tree farm today Lucy was a happy camper around all the dogs.  Reality is she loves them- winces a bit when dogs are walking by the house. It is like she is saying- please, please can we go play?

It has been a treat to connect with this sweet, eager to please 1 year old pup.  We bonded immediately and all three kids are thrilled to have her.  Joe recognizes the pros outweigh the cons and our home is more complete.  The pictures tell the story and as Clare says- it is official. If Mom is blogging it is official and no 30 day trial - Lucy is here to stay.  Welcome home Lucy, welcome to your life on Newark-Granville Road.  We recognize there is work to do, we're grateful for the help and support and partnership. We'll keep you posted about life with Lucy in our life on Newark-Granville Road.