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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Road Trip - Check! WVA-SC-WVA- Gville!

So much to put into one blog...and one post it is as there is more to come!  Goodbye June, hello July. I'm now in official I LOVE SUMMER mode!!!  June isn't really summer- it is the taste of what is to come and it is the backdrop of still-a-lot-to-do with work and kids and you've read all about that...and my reward was- a big ole fun trip!! Woo hoo- I ran away, I ran so far away ay ay.....

Saturday- June 18- it came and I went! Sally and I loaded up the car and headed to Wild and Wonderful West Virginia!  We made it just as the Millers were arriving and had a successful hand-off, Maggie joined the girls weekend kick-off, making it merrier!  Then we had lunch with Clare- yay...always love touch points with her as a counselor and treating her to lunch. We shopped and then took her back to camp getting her camp news.  The littles joined me for a curiosity visit- it aligned with this year's meditation and wellness focus- we took a visit to the:  A little halo therapy was quite nice after a long drive and full month of June!  Then we embraced our Air BnB fishing cabin on the Greenbrier River/River Trail making our way quickly back to Lewisburg. We met up with another Granville camp family and this was a true delight!  The picture tells the story:
The girls are at their own table prepping for camp, hearing all about min-camp and doing their thing.  Brad treated me to delicious scotch and we all enjoyed our time away from Gville. When do we get to sit and sip and chat? Sunday school, with kids in prep mode- Jeni and Brad are dear. Lewisburg is a special place- great food, shops, history, and countryside.  Each visit gives me new perspective and experiences and I love this component of camp for the girls.  (Update- no letters from Sally yet- sigh. No news is good news.)  Clare is able to text occasionally- all is well with her) Back to the glorious week....
Camp drop off went very well the next day.  Again see the photos:
Clare is in that welcome signing group! The other pic I took of her in the singing group!! CA is old school- tents, all girls, old fashioned fun, outdoors 99% of the time with screened in buildings.  The delight is the relationships, reconnections and new as well as the adventures accompanied with anticipation!!

 As I look at these it is obvious Sally didn't want to be photographed. Oh well!  Our time was up- she was so ready to have me gone. I was ready to go, I said goodbye- see you soon...3 weeks!  Next chapter- Grown Up Girl Time!  I headed south and stayed with my neighbor and friend Amanda Love in her home town of Columbia, SC. I'd never been before and so enjoyed the convertible tour by Jan and Lew as well as the southern hospitality! What a beautiful city and campus- University South Carolina! The next day Amanda and I enjoyed yoga, lunch, and good ole catch-up time with her friends and family. It was a treat to share special precious moments.  We made it to our final destination- Charleston, SC just in time for the cooking demo at Zero George:    This was such a treat! Oh my goodness- bless our hearts- wow- yum- ahhhhh! Seriously I have some cooking to do! If you are there- GO!! Then the rest of the group arrived and I had one of the best scotch cocktails I've ever had on Zero George's porch. It was one of those special, incredible nights.  Phone calls from home interrupted the fun, we persevered. You'll have to ask me about it in person- bonus for reading the blog!  Joe and I believe in girl time- it is why C and S go to camp.  We believe in it for me too! May it be at the pool, on the golf course, in SC, NC, GA, MD, in my life on NG Road, I'm lucky to find it, plan it, embrace it and last week was a treat!  And cue the pictures:
 The smiles and location tell the story.  Here is the beautiful back story!!  Philanthropy- we attended a fundraiser for the wonderful Robbins Hunter Museum in Granville.  A get-away to Charleston was offered and Amanda bought it. She quickly (at the event) recruited the attendees and our group was formed! Amanda knowing Charleston and all things wonderful like restaurants, art, music, shopping led the way.  It all went so very well.  Our swim time was the wrap up to spa time. We arrived at the Sanctuary Spa on Kiawah at 9 am and left at 8:30 pm. I had been there for Federal-Mogul work and spring break on the USS Yorktown (loved that) years before.  So fun to go back this way including visiting Middleton Plantation/Garden- a stop we made but didn't get far with the kids in the heat!! The few days together- I left on Thursday for work back in WVA- was filled with laughter, appreciation of good things like time with the girls!

My drive time was great for me too. I listened to books on tape, NPR, sang out loud and enjoyed the beautiful country side and MOUNTAINS!!  The trip wrapped up with a Denison event in Morgantown providing important quality time with my favorite Denisonians- parents!!

I arrived home Friday in time to catch-up from vacation time, organize and wrap up DU's fiscal year end. I must say thank you to all who helped make 2019F record breaking for Parent and Family Philanthropy.  Joe and I took to the golf course with dear friends for Friday Night Golf League- ask me about this- join us or if you are members GO!!

So life on Newark-Granville Road- Summer Style! Road Trip Time! Happy to run away and return home to my happy life on Newark-Granville Road!  Thanks for reading and allowing me to savor it all again- what a trip to go south to wrap up June!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

One of my favorite Denison Celebrities has died.

I was all set to write about the big time connected FOMOs happening in my life on Newark-Granville Road.  Clare has it- she wants to be back at camp. She flew home to go to Orientation at College of Wooster!   That leads to my FOMO- Joe is there and I'm thrilled. He is loving it. He called 3 times yesterday to share updates, observations and even thanked me for sending him! I chose not to go for a number of reasons- ask me in person.  And then there is Sally her FOMO is future- she just wants to be at camp now- her session starts next week- she is just sad and bored.
And that is Okay.

Instead of digging into this theme and my behind the scene insights, toe-skim psychology, and sociology,  I have to share the sad news that hit my inbox this am.  One of my favorite Denison celebrities has died- Molly O'Neill '75.  Here is an informative article on her life, illness and what will lead to a new book on my nightstand-  This article says it all and so much more.  I am a huge Ruth Reichl fan and enjoy Ann Lamont- reading their insights and actions make me love them, admire them and want to thank them. I had the privilege of engaging with her when she was awarded her DU Citation:  You leave a legacy, you make us Denison proud Molly.  Rest in Peace.

As always- more to come, more to share but I wanted you to know about Molly. And one more thought on the FOMO- it is okay- it makes me happy we have places we want to be, friends we want to see. I'm grateful FOMO for our girls is a phone free, low-key, old-fashioned camp on a river.  And by the way- I get to go there this weekend- is it Saturday yet?  Can't go until the work is done...back to work!

Sunday, June 9, 2019

June's Juggling the Favorites!

Who goes where when how is always fun in the summer.  Summer my favorite season! Those that have been following for years know we love camp not only because of the wonderful lessons and relationships (authentic with no phones) it provides.  Because who goes where when how is reduced to two whens: drop off and pick up and  get picked up and fun overnights (the how)!  The where is cool too- beautiful, wild West Virginia!  I admit the juggle has become easier with older kids and drivers, and the what is filled with favorites- like swim team!  Here is what the 2019 update is in our lives on Newark-Granville Road in June:

Clare is at camp! She returns as a 2nd year counselor and we're very proud.  She drove the full trip, winding WVA highway not as bad as she expected.  It was a quick pull up, unload her trunk and belongings, gave me a hug and I was sent off, making the return trip in the afternoon.  I did stop for quick shop, leg stretch in Lewisburg and at Tamarack.  I love me a Greenbrier latte- the blue and white stripe cup is a treat.  Yes, I feel like we started our college goodbye last summer with her 8 weeks away from us.  Intermittent encounters made it all good, as well as texts and calls- from the counselor.  When Sally goes it is only letter communication for 3 weeks.  The easy goodbye today was that she will come home to attend her Orientation at the College of Wooster with Joe next week!  Oh yes, more blog material for sure!

Peter went to camp- Young Life Camp in Michigan this year.  He had a great time and we appreciated the break from one another. Everyone deserves time away from their parents, we've been watching Peter's grades and study time.  He's back and guesses what he gets again?! Questions about summer reading, ACT prep and chores! He is going to love his swim team/MCC time he gets in the am as the break.

Sally volunteers this week at VBS- past readers know how much I adore this Granville happening! Ecumenical community effort- thank you to the churches, staff and all levels of volunteers for bringing our kids together for faith formation and friendship.  Thank you St. Eds for hosting this year- making it very easy for Sally (who) where, how- bike or walk!    She jumped right back into sports with conditioning for field hockey/basketball and playing with the high school team- early Sunday morning departures with Joe have provided father-daughter bonding.

I'm in welcome to the Class of 2023 June O mode at Denison and I love it! The sunset on Friday night was spectacular from the Reese Common. New parents, new Denisonians are thrilled to have their students enrolled at DU. Joe joined me and we caught up with classmates and great folks in a similar place as we look forward to Clare's launch.  We were able to enjoy lake time with Scott and Ann yesterday to celebrate sweet Caroline's birthday- sneaking in some traditions like a pinata.  It is hard to let go of things like swimming the lake and spending the night for campfires.  It is part of the big picture juggle in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.  Thanks for reading and sharing.  Summer is special and so much to savor! Stay tuned for updates on Cash Explosion - Joe's name was announced and this week his Dad will represent the family. I'll share when I can!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Denison Reunion 2019- Family Time

It has been some time since I blogged about Denison- March!  I'm a bit sensitive as the kids tease me about my Denison perspective.  I'm aware it can be, maybe is all consuming.  Maintaining work-life balance is not today's topic- Denison Reunion is! I was working this weekend, but the beauty is my work is about relationships with fantastic people- including family. It was my sister's 25th reunion so that was the class event  I "staffed" on Saturday- lucky me.  Reunion brings dear friends who are part of our Denison family to town. I just loved time with Sarah and her friends in fun ways- supporting their reunion time. Today I wrapped it up catching up with wonderful Lindsay. Thank you Lindsay '04 for the coffee talk!!  

Some things to share, because that is what I do. Again I don't mean for this to be boastful or bragging.  I'm a proud alumna and want to share.
Pam Houston-  It is hard for me to believe I have not blogged about her before. Fantastic author  I loved Cowboys are my Weakness  and Sight Hound.  Dog lovers you must read!  She has a new book- Deep Creek: Finding Hope in the High Country.  She read from it and shared insights. I bought it and will read it VERY SOON. Like I want to stop everything and read it now. I won't as I have to finish another good book for book club and have some Sunday fun including a grad party for dear friend in Columbus!! 

The highlight was engaging with Pam a few times over the weekend then listening to hear reflect about Denison.  The reminder/lesson was about how Denison faculty teach. The support she received and the person she became because of attending this special liberal arts college in the mid-west and the people who were here.  I cried a few times in her Saturday afternoon session. I'm not going to go into it now but would love to share in person.  And yes- read anything you can by her and I'll let you know about "Deep Creek".  Many alums there had many great things to say about it. Pam was honored with an Alumni Citation and is so very deserving!

Time with Alex Moffat- Saturday night live cast member, awesome member of the Class of 2004 was cool. He was real and genuinely happy to be back with friends.  Part of my "work" helping execute Reunion 2019 was supporting prep for the convocation with award recipients. And really the fun was Alex introducing me to his classmates.  Classmates I already know and love- so really the Alex highlight was just connecting with one more awesome Class of 2004 alumni.  Thank you to all who returned from that group- can't wait for your next triple reunion!! Lindsay- you are my favorite though!! Nic and Frank you are up there- maybe we should do an updated- It is a Great Time to be At Denison?  Take away- stay tuned to Alex Moffit

So walking to the chapel on chapel walk was special but walking from the chapel to the lunch was just awesome!  Jane Heller and her college roommate Marcia came up the hill for the Reunion- Class of 1949! Friends for so long- we should all be so lucky.  I adore the parade of classes and how we cheer for one another- so special to help these ladies receive their woo-hoos, yelps and applause- so deserved.  Then we sat in shady spot to have lunch- we all need lunches like that!

Pi Phi- not much time for this organization these days but I do what I can when I can.  Opening up the house was fun and I just loved saying hello to fellow sisters and connecting with wonderful women who knew me as a young mother and helped me- oh I loved our babysitters. I also made some new friends- one 1994 pi phi is sending us her daughter- Class of 2023! Life's figure eights reveal themselves in fun ways- her husband and Joe worked together back in the Columbus Accenture days!

The weekend was full  of incredible stores and connections.  The theme was re-connections- some like Jane and Marcia who see one another in town and my sister and me- Sarah was just here last weekend! A very special one was the 1969 woman I met on Thursday.  As always I was impressed with her career- the 50th reunion women always inspire me.  Turns out she was the first female physics major- wow!  We saw one another again at the Friday night reception where she reconnected with our dear friend Trig Gamble- her physics professor. They had not seen one another in 50 years!! Oh what a delight and honor to engage with her share her story with others and watch the connections happen.

Denison is about relationships- we are family and it was wonderful reunion. Perfect timing as I ready to help spread that word to our newest members of the family- the Class of 2023 families.  I'll post links when I have them- pictures and articles coming soon from the official Denison communicators! Thanks for sharing my relfections of family time in my life on Newark-Granville Road.