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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Granville Proud- Please Take Time to Watch the Film: Represent

Thank you Bryn Bird- for running, serving and being vulnerable- Brene Brown would be proud! Putting yourself out there for the election alone- then allowing this video/cinematographer to capture and share it- wow! You make us #GranvillleProud and put a light on so many other great folks:
  • your family
  • farmers
  • Melanie Schott
  • Michelle Newman
  • your campaign team and event hosts
  • Three Tigers/ Mai Chau
  • Two other amazingly brave, smart, talented women in great locations- so cool to visit their cities via this film. I lived in the Detroit area twice!
  • and so many more
Blog readers- take the time to watch this film, here is the scoop from the PBS Site:
Leading up to the 2018 midterm elections in the heart of the Midwest, three women take on entrenched local political networks in their fight to reshape politics on their own terms, in Hillary Bachelder’s nuanced, “fly-on-the-wall” documentary.  “Heading into the homestretch of this year’s election, Represent feels like a balm,” writes Monica Castillo on “A reminder that, win or lose, there’s something to be gained by reigniting people’s interest in civil engagement.”  
Watch Represent here:

I was teary watching and value the commitment to our communities these folks have- past, current and future.  I have so much more I could say about elections, running and serving. Back to Brene Brown and her book- Dare to Lead:

Dare to Lead | Brené Brown

Daring leadership is a collection of four skill sets that are 100% teachable, observable, and measurable. The foundational skill set of courage-building is “rumbling with vulnerability.” Once we have built these rumbling skills, we can move on to the other three skill sets: Living into Our Values, Braving Trust, and Learning to Rise.

In my life on Newark-Granville Road I try to see all sides. I try not to use the H word- hate.  I don't hate those with opposing views because I don't want to be hated for mine.  I can really dislike. I learned this from my mother.  (Bryn I love how this show documents and preserves your relationship- beautiful with your mother. She is smiling) I try to respect other points of view and vantage points. I will vote and respect those leading that are committed, positive, poised, learning, growing, listening.  Michelle you got my vote for this very reason, Bryn you too. And I voted for Melanie- two signs in our yard that year. Fascinating to see the point about one vote as strategy in the film. I remember our conversation about this Bryn.  This film is jammed packed and so beautiful...the whisper to your daughter about doing it for her.  Hand on heart and sigh...thank you.

Above all else- vote- thank you to those that did and those that will. and those helping voting happening- I talked to a student going to help with counting- awesome! Take care of you and support those that are vulnerable!  We all are and that is why Kindness must carry the day in our life on NG Road.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Oh what a beautiful morning...and evening.....



Please click and read.  Then I ask you, what is lifting your mood? This connects to my earlier post in the week about finding the joy!  So much else to post about but this is where I want to put my time and unite in this cyer space.  Today was beautiful and nothing made me happier than Sally sharing her thoughts.  It inspired me to anser the author's question.

What is lifting my mood? When the universe sends serendipitous messages...some call them god winks, some just chance.....and I notice.  In this 24 hour cycle, it is the "in-between season" or what I've blogged about myself..the transition time- the hardest/but important times.  This beautiful NYT piece: Finding comfort in the in-between season by Melissa Kirsch was sent to coworkers as the perfect p.s. to a meeting earlier in the week.  I read it and enjoyed the responses and links.  My fifteen-year-old daughter did not read it. 

My fifteen-year-old daughter is the last child at home, giving us our own in-between time as we look forward (yes!) to being empty nesters.  She is learning to drive and each morning drives to school with one of her parents in the passenger seat. Some times this is the only time one of her parents leave the house in a day.  Today was a gorgeous fall day. The sunlight, the leaves, something only the in-between time can provide as we have lush green sparkling with frost and brown tree bark's rich texture creating an otherworldly landscape. Our daughter and her parents have come to an understanding that we really will not talk with her in the mornings. She reacts to irritants with passive-aggressive sounds (door slams, grunts, sighs, increased radio volume) and her mature parents (better with coffee) respect accept this.  Today we navigated the drive well and then she said it...she said with appreciation in her voice: : what a beautiful day, it is different, I'm getting a Thanksgiving vibe and at the same time we all need to be outside today." Yes- the in-between time from the mouth of my babe.  This lifts my mood: sharing beautiful words, nature, and where we are right now in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.

And the evening ended well too- golf and then a beer with Joe and Peter. 100 Plus women...more topics to blog about or call and ask me!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Seeing the Good

 “It’s easy to spot a red car when you’re always thinking of a red car.

It’s easy to spot opportunity when you’re always thinking of

opportunity. It’s easy to spot reasons to be mad when you’re always

thinking of being mad. You become what you constantly think about.

Watch yourself.” – Denzel Washington

Newark Rotary President Barb Quackenbush shared this quote last week and it has stayed with me. Then this morning I read my colleague Mandi's Facebook post inspired by her worship yesterday- seek the joy.  Mandi reflected on the good the in the past few months of COVID times and it made me smile and think.  

It can be so easy to see the not good, the scary, the problems.  The change to "red" status in Licking County certainly put me in that place. I'm grateful to Mandi and Barb's for the reminder.  I certainly do love our community, our home, my work, my family,  and my friends.  The time within and with is a COVID blessing. Yes, a blessing.  Bane and Blessings, the double-edge swords, the continuums that are everywhere!

My day started with yoga (online)- a class I'm in probably because I'm not traveling.  A class I'm grateful for an need.  I've had quality time with Joe, Sally, and Lucy- time that will always be treasured. At the same time, I am grateful Peter and Clare are where they are- so happy, in their place.  Our time together in the spring was a blessing as is our time away provides so many opportunities to be happy, to be growing and learning.  COVID certainly has me growing and learning and not just in the IUPUI graduate classes.  Working on zoom and how to work remotely are new skills.  The reset and relook opportunities cannot be ignored.   In my life on Newark-Granville Road I can't say I have achieved greatness during COVID but I can say there have been many great moments, filled with joy and I am grateful.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Time to order PEO Nuts!

 And now for a commercial....Nuts for sale, delicious, salty, tasty, even sugary nuts for don't want to miss the chance to order your PEO Nuts! Your order helps fund important PEO scholarships for women!  Our local chapter sells nuts each year and the proceeds fund philanthropy and education.  

My life on Newark-Granville Road really is about these two things and family, friendship and faith- all aligning with my sisters. Want to know more about PEO:  check out the international organization and let me know if I can answer questions.  And please let me know if you would like an order form for the PEO nut sale- hopefully you can read below to see our offerings!  I do need to place the order this Saturday 10/17/20!!

Thanks to all that have ordered in the past, placed their order this year, and buying from other PEOs! I enjoy ordering these items to have on hand for my family, to give as gifts and take-along when I need something fast to offer at a gathering.  They are always a hit and appreciated!

Oh- did I mention these are Krema Nut Co nuts- yummmm and snack mixes!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Talk, Text, Schedule, Sigh- Communicating on NG Road

 How do you know where you are supposed to be when?  How do you decide which event to attend?

Who takes who where when? I added a calendar event- every morning- Who Takes Sally to School? and invited Joe.  Who goes to which game.  It was almost easier when we had three kids and had to rotate and spread the support.  COVID limits some of it, although how many invitations can I have for  Tuesdays at noon on Zoom?  Two again today!  And yes, silly me sometimes tries to attend two with each lap top and two zoom accounts "up".  I know I know I'm not actively listening to either, but I'm there.  I'm showing up. I want the coordinators to know I am trying and I want to get a bit of both.

I'm not asking for answers here.  FYI- the paper Mom agenda still is our preferred scheduling tool and Sunday planning helps keep me happy.

The answer in our life on Newark-Granville Road always comes back to one word...Communication. Communication is not just one thing. It isn't talk, phone, text, sigh, bang a door, cheer- it is all of the above. Its complicated, it is involved, it is frustrating, it is beautiful. Communicating is being in relationship and sharing and helping.

Thanks for reading and communicating with me! The blog is one of they ways I sort things out, extrovert, share. My communication style has always been to "put it out" and let it evolve.  COVID has curtailed that interaction and changed the way all of us are communicating in more places than home.  Work, school, church, with friends and family- we're all experiencing it, we're all in it together. Lets talk about it.

So much more I could share or explore with you here today. Duty calls. More blog topics for future days...just what am I watching on Tuesdays at Noon? What books am I ordering and where am I going! Social Media...ahhh a hot one...Joe and I need to watch the Social Dilemma. Social media as a communication tool fits into all of this...see so much more I could share and communicate about- but now I choose to stop and say- have a great day.

And why not share a fall picture of the sister took this one, the pumpkin in front of the sally baby bump- 2004!!

Monday, October 5, 2020

I know it is October because....

We celebrated Clare!  Yes, our oldest had a birthday...a big one- 20!  She is so happy.  I did see her...for 5-10 minutes? I hugged her and delivered a Hershey's chocolate cake and a few other deliveries. Thank you to everyone that made her feel special. Her amazing roommates that made her Mac n Cheese and Broccoli!

It was time- we brought in the flowers from the window boxes and now the green house if full.  I kind of wished I kept the grass and put pumpkins there...oh well.

Pumpkins- yes the volunteer crop is a good one for 2020. The back 40 has been producing small orange, white and some little bumpy ones.

I am craving college campus activities.  Last year I went to Clare's Wooster game later in the fall and she did not understand why I wanted to come. I had missed Black and Gold weekend to support Peter's College Search.  I'm craving this type of visit all the more with COVID and 2020.  Honoring directives and staying away.  Wabash is open so we may make a very careful trip. Peter is doing great, Sunday calls mean so much.

Bookclub is back! Just had our Oct discussion about the September book- The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George.  We had such a nice discussion- the book was well liked by most of the group. We were pleased to have this light read that took us to Paris and river cruise to Provence! One member shared that it was a book for the sense- recipes, descriptions of sights, scents, tastes and feelings. I read it last year...did not have time to reread but I think I will.

School is in session and midterms are approaching...for me and Peter and Clare...we're all doing okay. I'm loving my History of Philanthropy Class. Learning, thinking, finding ways to express what I am learning!

Family Leadership Council- our meeting was a success! Big thank you to coworkers for assisting, coaching, practicing, supporting.  HUGE thank you to the parents that were able to log in and engage with us.  It was not the meeting we like to offer, but we made it work.  HUGE thank you to parents catching up with me over zoom and calls and even a few safely outdoors over coffee?!!

The colors- I do love the change of leaves.  I need to explore more what is happening with leaf placement on NG Road- signs, fence....where else....

Chili- da-da-da-da-don don don dnt.  Chili!  You have to be a Bluejackets fan to get that.  I made my first batch the same night we had Taco Tuesday on NG Road. The next batch will be better- I bought chili powder.  I made a way to make it work.

Wishing other great October friends/family HBTY-you know who you are- love you!

The uggs and sweaters are out, I'm holding on to open toe shoe and loving my new open toe booties....why did I wait! I also love my LLBean shearling (faux) flip flops. I do not consider them slippers...they are warm flip flops.

It is now truly Fall and I can embrace it.  I hope you are finding joy in October and the beauty, comfort and warmth it brings.