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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Missing Beth

Updated 9/3/20- now if you follow the link you'll read the beautiful obituary- well done. Having written one recently I know what goes into this important chronicle. I appreciate so very much the direction to honor Beth's life with a scholarship, here is that information:

The family is establishing a scholarship focused on Cosmetology in Beth’s memory. Please send memorial contributions to the Licking County Foundation, P.O. Box 4212, Newark OH 43058-4212 or make a contribution online to the Licking County Foundation’s unrestricted fund in memory of Beth by visiting

Posted Beth Barton Eckels-  Honoring Beth's Life I am thinking, praying and caring for her children, mother, husband, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, step mother, dearest friends and clients.  I am thinking of those like me that enjoyed each opportunity to sit in her chair and allow her to care and do magic, talk, listen and catch-up.  I am mourning these days.

We went through over sixteen year of sharing life as mothers to children and big dogs with so many friends and things in common.  (I love thinking back to when we didn't know one another Ben and Clare were together at Little Village.)  Every time I was at Designs by Beth I would learn about how she was caring for someone- taking chicken and noodles, arranging something special for someone going through something not so nice or just aligning actions in her way.  She kept it real- we compared notes on the ups and downs of family life, ultimately she would shrug her shoulders and take it back to the good and the now.  I loved Beth and know she loved me.  I know how much she loved her family and closest friends.  She felt the love of this town, the Florida sun, those pups and God.   She was love.  Karen Chakoians's sermon today expressed that so beautifully.

I've been saying she leaves a beautiful legacy on the Facebook posts and want to share that here.  Her children and grandbaby are beautiful and carry her light.  Her good and care inspires others. I am so sad she is gone. I believe in heaven and her spirit shining on earth through all that were touched by her.  We will honor and remember her.  I am making sure we all have seen these details. Information to honor Beth's Beautiful Life  Beth was discreet- so many of us may not have known we were clients if we didn't happen to pass on the path or in the chair on Hankinson.  We should make sure to reach out and connect with one another and celebrate Beth.  In my life on Newark-Granville Road I am missing her, continuing to love her and thinking and holding all of those in prayer in this place.

Continued update on 9/3/20:
I dress for the day- dressing for the calling hours...and then the first athletic event in the new stadium- Field Hockey!! Beth loved Gamedays so it will be appropriate to go cheer for Sally and these girls.  What I so wish is I'd be in her chair to talk and reflect all about it in a few days. I'm thinking about how to support this family in their time of grief.  Having recently been on the receiving end of care at the loss of a family member I've learned some things.  First- flowers are nice.  I use to poo-poo flowers- they die, you get so many..I love each delivery and bloom in April.  I also loved each card and food delivery.  We couldn't eat everything. We couldn't even use the full generous door dash gift card- but it went to good use stayed with us.  Each thoughtful gesture, word, look, text mattered.  If you are thinking- should you go to one of the events- tonight or Saturday- the answer is- yes- if you feel safe. COVID will keep some at home and that should be the case. If we have any symptoms we should not go.  Send a card- it matters, call, email, drop something at a home...and please consider supporting the scholarship!  I just love this option and we will make a gift here:

The family is establishing a scholarship focused on Cosmetology in Beth’s memory. Please send memorial contributions to the Licking County Foundation, P.O. Box 4212, Newark OH 43058-4212 or make a contribution online to the Licking County Foundation’s unrestricted fund in memory of Beth by visiting

Prayers and peace to all of us missing the love of Beth.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

We can say- All are Back to School- Fall 2020

Clare and Sally are sharing this post. Here is the scoop.  On Sunday two cars headed north to Wooster, Ohio- it was Clare's turn to move-in to her new service house. She is living with I believe 5 other women. many teammates- FH/Lax. One that was to live there is now remote learning or taking a gap-year?  Clare could not be happier to be reunited with friends, living on her own, not here at 1142 NG Road and launching her sophomore year at Wooster.  She has a great slate of classes and actually started remotely last week.  She would not let me document that in a picture.  She did let me snag this one outside of the house.  It was fun to make sure Bessie went with Clare properly accessorized- wearing Wooster, Denison and Wabash stickers.  Thank you Wooster for the process, the risk, the lessons and the care.  Clare was swabbed and is being supported in quarantine in her house until she gets the test results back- hopefully sooner than later. In the mean time they are making memories and in my life on Newark-Granville Road I'm a proud and grateful mama.

Sally started her sophomore year at Granville High School. She says tomorrow is the real day when all friends/classmates back together. Although not really the case as a number opted for remote.  She will drive the car, with Joe or me most mornings- then we'll bring the car home.  We really need to schedule her in-cars. Hopefully as close to her January birthday she will be solo and parking.  This may be the biggest adjustment in our life on Newark-Granville road. Seriously she is doing a great job getting rides- although harder in COVID times- we all want to stay safe. We value the partnership and help, flexibility of our colleagues and employers.  Nana- when can you visit again?  We're looking forward to the quality time with our pumpkin.  We know you will have a great year and are proud of your approach to back to school!  You are ready ready!  Keep being kind, sweet Sally.
Life on Newark-Granville road- quiet.  I've moved to the basement.  I started classes too- History of Philanthropy as part of my masters/certificate work at IUPUI- Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.  Joe is working non-stop- Spain in the am, California in the pm- data analytics- great expanded team.  Lucy will appreciate the hellos from walkers all the more with our house activity change of pace.
May we all be well and safe, stay apart but outdoors together (we need one another), wear a mask, support one another, respect the various views and approaches to our lives and world right now and always.  Life on Newark-Granville Road is good- the pictures tell the stories.  Enjoy.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

August Energy- 2020

"I can hear it in your voice, happy energy" my friend said catching up with me while I was taking a slight break from Denison work yesterday.  Work that included unloading belongings stored in our basement after the impromptu vacate in March.  Work that allowed me to see first-hand the check-in during COVID process executed by impressive colleagues.  Work that took by the most beautiful wildflowers growing by the new road.  Work that connected me with seniors and parents moving into the "sunnies" and gave me the view of the new Silverstein Hall.  Yes, we all had masks and we kept our distance.

I typed this morning to a parent who shared where he put his energy these few days moving in two sons.  I wish I could have the bird's view- the aerial view of Granville and check in on all the connecting happening- the energy is bright, Granville is glowing.  It was different, a bit reserved but still radiating love, care, concern, happiness, relief, fear, confidence and so much more.  I wish I could have been in more places, old favorites (the Inn in stand-up mode, moving table to table, person to person) stopping by a res hall to check in on a beloved friend or meeting a daughter of a classmate. I do love hearing how time was spent in Granville- Facebook helps a bit and at the same time reinforces what is missed.

My director said- I see you are energized as I shared my plans for "move-in meetings" and introductions, as well as reconnections over Google Meet.  The energy it takes to plan, the energy it gives when organized, the energy produced when we come together.  Life on Newark-Granville this week has been all about Denison for me.  Clare, Sally and Joe supporting in ways requiring energy too- behind the scene heroes really.  Sally delivering lunch to my desk, Joe loading Martha and Clare making sure Sally was where she needed to be and not alone for dinner Friday night. I was so confused on what day it was- Thursday's move in often is on a Sunday so I thought we were in weekend mode and did confuse folks. (Although it was all in "the book").  The energy of who goes where when- COVID times-I can't even answer when Sally goes back to school! She knows and I know it isn't this week.  Day by day, week by week, bird by bird.... each bird takes and gives energy in my life on Newark-Granville Road.

Positive and negative energy- attracts! Reflecting on this I like it.  I have felt and given negative and positive this week.  I'm grateful for the conversation and patient ears when I'm sharing frustration- this time of year and effort takes energy and produces stress even in nonCOVID times. I'm missing the energy produced from hugs of hello, welcome home, thank you, so good to be together, how are you, I know.... human touch produces so much important energy, the giving and receiving is so important, vital.  We're finding our way- we're connecting in conversation through masks, time together with space between, elbow bumps (probably shouldn't) but some of us just crave and need it- hardwired.  Pushing away and pulling together- energy- COVID energy, August energy, start-up energy.... yup we're glowing on Newark-Granville Road.

(thanks to all asking about Peter. We've had limited texts but all seems good!)

Oh and how do I recharge?  I take a walk in the rain to the farmer's market. I was craving a swim, the water from the sky quenched a thirst.  I talk to my best friend and partner. I cuddle with Lucy. I linger in the evening until dark with friends- outside. I curl up with a book on the porch. I call my mother. I embrace the sit and wait time. I find quiet. I pray. I embrace on-line worship. I arrange flowers from the farmers market. I cook. I breathe. I swing a golf club and walk in the green.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Peter- Off to College- Well done Wabash!

Here is what I wrote last year when we delivered Clare to her "w" school:
So much the same....SO grateful to so many who put us in this place. The incredible well wishes via text and on Facebook yesterday after I posted this pic.
 It warmed my heart and showcases the community that raised Peter and helped him achieve this milestone.  So pleased with Peter's choice- we believe a great fit for him.
So much not the same, thank you COVID.  The drop of day went very well.  We value the efforts to welcome the students back safely- ap monitoring, pre-arrival testing, safety kit and a low key, adjusted orientation.  Reflecting back it was so different than Clare and my experience with Denison. Not to meet or engage with faculty or administration felt off but it made sense. The fraternity leaders executed the move-in well and we left knowing Peter was in good hands.  Pictures show the story-

Yes- fraternity.  Wabash Greek life can start at move-in or really once you are accepted  Peter had spent the night in a house when visiting, engaged by zoom with a few groups and connected with men in a number of other on-line opportunities.  Joe and I think it is a good direction for Peter and really liked the young men yesterday.  Delta Tau Delta- Peter's home away from home and a new family.  The Wabash brotherhood impresses us and creates an impressive environment for growth. We just finished watching the Ringing-In Ceremony - hooray for the sports streaming technology. Thank you President Feller, your remarks were right on: "What a Long Strange Trip It's Been" thanks to COVID but a beautiful one raising Peter in Granville with family and friends.   The tradition and other remarks were well executed- the Wabash Class of 2024 is impressive and we're proud of Peter for being there.  We will miss our sweet boy but he is ready. Life on Newark-Granville Road will be different. I will end today's blog with two Dead quotes- one may be for me: "WELL, THE FIRST DAYS ARE THE HARDEST DAYS, DON’T YOU WORRY ANYMORE” and "Nothing Left to do but Smile Smiile Smile" 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Denison -Granville Community Update and Leithauser Plans

Want to know how Denison is welcoming students back to campus and Granville? How are faculty, staff , and students launching our Fall semester?  Please take the time to listen/watch this:   THANK YOU Granville Village, Granville Township and Granville Chamber of Commerce and Denison senior leadership (and behind the scenes staff) for this informative video!  THANK YOU for all that is being done to keep us moving forward.

People have been asking me- are you working? or how are you working? Will you return to the hill.  The answer- yes working, yes remotely- I have not been sharing here on the blog the recent ups and downs of remote office time.  On campus- not really, no- maybe an occasional pick up- drop off- interaction here and there but I'm in the team to: reduce density, eliminate need for clean-up and care- all energy needs to be on students, classes, engagement for students and learning.  This means I am challenged as each of you are in personal and professional life to be creative, patient, flexible, and positive.  This is not easy even for me.  I'm better in the morning.

While I'm answering questions I'm also going to say- Sally is a "go to school" for the GHS and we hope it happens.  I understand the need (and we do) to wear masks- not easy for long periods- but important.  I understand the need to limit engagement, big groups and we are- hair cut really should become a priority for September for me.  We're not having a Derby party when the Run for the Roses 2020 happens in Sept- sigh....We are watching and trying to understand the data, the science AND keep things moving forward in healthy, positive ways.  I could go on and on- there will be those reading that disagree with me. Joe and I (the we) in this post are in very similar places on most things- often I find it my reaction and ability to articulate a counter opinion in various groups.  

The plan for Peter is to go in-person on Saturday to Wabash! I'll blog about it after the fact- big, exciting times all the more so in COVID.  So proud of his prep.  Clare- Wooster plans altered yesterday to delay and start with remote for two weeks- staggering move in- fingers crossed we deliver her in August but not the date she had planned.  She is rolling with the disappointments- no field hockey competition, but hopefully in-person practice.

Life on Newark-Granville Road- #Denisonproud- please watch the video and explore the Guide to Fall 2020 site and being creative, open, flexible and real!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Hello, Morning Bike Ride

Amazing how a simple bike ride to the store can provide such joy.  I went for milk and came home with a Christmas favorite updated- mint ice cream sandwiches, thanks, Velvet. I love your Candy Cane version of these!
Actually, the highlight was seeing three people I have not seen in ages.  Thank you Tom Evans for sharing the Alan Aldin quote about surfing in the sea of uncertainty!  Regular readers know I love "Sit Loosely in the Saddle of Life" Robert Lewis Stevenson, before this I too loved the image of surfing. I'm not a surfer- tried it once and ended up with a black eye.  If I was near the beach I'd try harder to embrace as I love to be in the water, floating, paddling and taking a ride.  I love to swim in the waves- go up and down, under and over and that is indeed what COVID and August bring. Checking in with DU professors and friends the Bakers did my soul good.

Life on Newark-Granville Road is in the busy time- it always is as we get ready to send kids, welcome Denisonians, and catch-up from the summer pace, and breaks.  I want to be on the golf course and at the pool but the office calls. This year I added the final exam for my Ethics of Philanthropy class to end July! I have to say I loved the class and am really enjoying all that is being presented in important ways- future blog post coming soon! The COVID decisions, stress, worry, and extra efforts certainly make it all the more effortful- good word Karen.  My advice- get outside, go for a ride, walk, run, swim and enjoy the friends you can see along the way.  I did!