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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Fall's Arrival, Thoughts on Faith- FPC RALLY DAY is SUNDAY!

 Fall is here....the pumpkins prove it!  Truth: we've had pumpkins in our volunteer patch (this year in the back along the fence, created from last year's discarded pumpkins) since early August- too early for me.

Fall means back to school and that too was August for us- Peter continues to love Wabash and we appreciate the match; Clare is happy as can be in her house at Wabash and anxious to start in-person classes and practice for field hockey and lacrosse; Sally is doing her thing at GHS and acclimating to the change in social time- thank heavens for field hockey here.  And Denison back to school continues to provide a great deal of rewarding work for me.  The labor day weekend is another signal that summer is ending and fall is to be embraced.  Transitions are fascinating times- hard, beautiful, freeing, opportunities, and of course inevitable!  I love love summer and am always sad to see it fade away. I do love fall and what it provides. More about these signals and season transitions in a future blog- I wanted to get the pumpkin posted and start the transition in post.

Faith....on Sunday I was installed as an elder at First Presbyterian Church in Granville.  I accepted the call to co-lead Christian Education Faith Formation a few months ago by joining the committee to help navigate what our senior high students needed/need. This led to co-chairing the committee and joining our session.  I can only do this because of the incredible staff member Ellen, our small but mighty committee and lay leaders, the families engaged, youth, pastor support and God's love.  I welcome and need the engagement of others to execute this call, gain its rewards, and meet our youth and adult faith formation needs. On Saturday we Rally for FPC. Rally Day Stay the Course (2).png

If you are an FPC member- PLEASE COME- if you want to learn about ways to engage at FPC as a nonmember, person in our community- PLEASE COME 11:30 am Granville High- in your car, bring lawn chairs, let me know if you have questions.  Granville FPC Website!  ALSO Senior High parent meeting- next Sunday, Sept 20...Worship with Centenary on the lawn at Bryn Du- Sundays at good to have this option.

Life on Newark-Granville Road is ready for fall..holding on to some summer and grateful for all of God's bounty and love delivered through family, friends and the beauty of our world.

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