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Saturday, December 16, 2017

December Festivities....half way there.....

I have to wonder about songs in my head- I wonder if others experience them like I do? I know I know book club friends- I need to read This is Your Brain on Music  maybe it has the answer.  Song titles often inspire my blog titles and directions. There are so many ways I could go for today's blog entry and pop- there it was "we're half way there"  and even better- "oh yeah livn' on a prayer".  I'm living on a prayer my packages will make it on time...Bon Jovis says- they'll make it he swears!  Ha ha...

What is going on in my life on Newark-Granville Road?  It has been 11 days since I posted and so much has happened.  A highlight was life off of NG Road while in the DC.  I had grand plans to share so many details. It is like I want to take you readers on these trips with me.  I so enjoy being in new and familiar places.  Returning to Maryland, PA and DC in my role, as an almost fifty year old is a gift.  But today's blog time doesn't allow to expand on this.  I will share being at my parents white table and experiencing their Christmas letter- to the tune of "I Love" by Tom T Hall was something I hope I never forget.  A beautiful song in itself and the inspiration and structure for their Christmas letter.  They gave it to me to read and Daddy said but you need to sing it....I tried and was wrong.  So he brought up the song on his lap top and proceeded to do it right.  A beautiful thing.  Mom shared details on the why and what and process and I enjoyed my east coast (NY Style) pizza while soaking in the moment.  Their words are beautiful, upbeat and positive- their year's beauty aligns with the song's intent to be grateful for simple pleasures and being in love.  Love is such a wonderful theme of December, their life and my life on NG Road.

So we're half way there, not really.  Regular readers know we celebrate the full 12 Days of Christmas, starting at Christmas.  We're working hard to prepare, get ready and sayin a prayer that we're there. Saying a prayer to be in the moment and love this crazy, full, crammed pack life.  We're mixing year end work, a new sport (Peter on the swim team), basketball and other commitments into prepping packages. Giving birthdays in December their priority focus.  Sharing my Mom's birthday with her in person with her first grand child- oh yes a treat indeed and worth any delay caused from six days off of NG Road. It was supposed to be five, but SW cancelled our flight on Saturday, we dropped everything and took the Friday night flight to make it work.  Hooray for SW and our flexibility!

Okay- I'm going to go make a list to help me check things off and stay on track.  I hope the music in your head is happy and festive and your day is filled with things and people you little baby ducks.

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