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Monday, September 17, 2018

HATSOFF happened, what is next- all thanks to Partnership.

Congratulations to all volunteer leaders, particularly this year's co-chairs, Jill and Andrew Guanciale, and the staff at The Works, HATSOFF was another huge hit. Knowing first hand what it takes, I tip my hat to a beautiful evening.  Fantastic crowd of new faces for us- that means new people engaging with this central Ohio treasure, and a mix of dear friends we love seeing out and about dressed up for a celebratory night.  Every component of this important fundraiser was executed well: food (yay LMH), servers (Park National), entertainment, the emcee and auctioneers, donated items, decorations, bars and bartenders, the balance of showcasing the museum and NEW SCIDOME, and delivering a theme of heavenly delight.  The Celestial Ball was indeed out of this world.

A Newark-Granville shout-out to my neighbor, friend and designer table partner.  Amanda Love's creative talent and energy is magnificent.  I knew this soon upon our introduction and our family has benefited as it shines within her hospitality.    What a treat to tap her time and expertise for The Works' benefit ball.  It was a bonus for me to assist, accompanying the journey from concept to delight of Mars inspired glow, delighting the Denison table's guests on Saturday night.  I enjoyed having a way to participate beyond a auction donation and happy party attendee.  It was a small role, but an important one and one made possible because of Amanda.

Life on Newark-Granville road is all about partnerships.  Joe and I are partners and embracing the Granville School Levy- stay tuned!  We're often asking for money- for Denison, The Works, FPC and other causes....many of you received a letter to help fund the levy. Joe was cosigner as co-chair with Matt Miller. I'm listed on letterhead as committee member.  We're fitting this in to a busy Fall because it is important and so very worth it.  Stay tuned, we'll share more soon.

Thank you to all are partners- our neighbors, friends, family, colleagues and committee members.  Good things in 2018 within so many organizations- book clubs, dinner dance groups, museums, schools, business and even our family.

Pictures on Facebook- a few coming soon here.

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