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Friday, January 20, 2023

2023- To Blog or Not to Blog, What is Going on there?

 That is the question, do I keep this blog going? Is it time to stop? I created my Blog2Print book for 2022- will anyone read those? Will I, do I? Occasionally and when I want it I'm glad I have it.  I firmly stand with one foot in each world- virtual/digital and analog.  Well, the fact that I'm typing here answers the question, I'm blogging in 2023.

Why- it feels like there is another year here. Sally's commencement and Derby party, based on data I know this is a spike for the blog- people do tune in to get the details.  I want to celebrate Sally's high school and now that I think about it- Clare's senior year. Oh the "fair" work of a parent, there is no catching that dog's tail!

I think the simple answer is, I like to share. Like today, I sat down with the Cardthartic Catalog and thought, this is something that should be on my blog.  If you are looking for a great card, this is the place!  Great lessons in just reading the messages.

Not everyone is on social media and we certainly don't all see the same things - including my Mom- darn Facebook took her off?  So this is a nesting place for important messages and milestones, things I want to share.

Great Article/Wisdom/Advice from Denison's President Adam Weinberg on the College Search:[LIST_EMAIL_ID]&fbclid=IwAR2jRzuUdyy5Dezbj3t9YVjU52JL2VuULmHSM7sekWeRxzUk1ReCiSpWp6I

That is enough for today- two links and why/what I'm thinking in my life on Newark-Granville Road!

Well then I did a drive by my house and this is what I see, the blog helps keep people updated! The port-a-potty and dumpster are for bathroom renovations- woo hoo! When someone asks I can now say- read the blog!

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