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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Traditions...what does Holiday mean here? It Depends!

Asked Joe and the kids- what does holiday mean and what are your favorite traditions?  Answers:

Clare:  I like them, I like being with family, friends, Jesus, and I like time off from school.  (Unpromted) My favorite holidays are: 1st Christmas and 2nd 4th of July.  (Note she spends 4th of July at Camp.)
Favorite Tradition:  Ice Skating with Prophaters-when that has not happened we found (and will find) other ways to skate on Christmas Eve Day. I like alternating celebrating with various families and like to travel. Nana cookies.

Sally:  Celebrating with family, the food- call out to mash potatoes, fun family traditions and TRAVEL!  Christmas Holiday also includes the 12 day count down to my birthday.
Favorite traditions: 4:30 FPC service, reading the Night Before Christmas with cousins and Nana and Pap.

Peter: A time for family and friends to get together and celebrate whatever season it is.
Favorite Tradition: Traveling to various family members' homes, being with cousins and hosting family here. 

Joe: Relaxation, Cocktail hours with family.
Favorite Traditions: Christmas Tree- cutting it down as a family.  New Year's Days good luck foods.

Susan: Where to? Who is coming?  Holidays are hosting time or being hosted time.  It means bringing people together.

I love these answers, it aligns with the message of today's blog, started before I had my captured the above answers. In our life on Newark-Granville Road we're flexible.  I certainly understand those that want their traditions to be in their homes. I've seen the articles on the web advocating, giving permission, helping young families make the decision to stay home.  I want to also advocate for not staying home.

This is just one side, but one that has certainly created special fun "traditions" and memories for our family.  We never would of had the epic Granville Inn story if my parents and sister with her family had not travelled from Maryland to our house and village.  I won't retell it here, but I love to tell the story- ask about "Greg saying- it is a Christmas miracle, the Inn has" and our cocktail hour 12-25-16".  I've also loved packing up the kids and giving my parents the gift of grand kids in their home on Christmas morning.  I'm grateful Joe has been willing to celebrate our faith in my home church or my sister's- seeing my niece/goddaughter in her pageant! Again memories that could not have been made anywhere else- the giggles, the oos and ahh and again stories we can't make up.  Fabulous babysitter Kelly to rescue shipping the gifts left behind!

In our home we rotate, and I LOVE to host!!  I missed cooking my own turkey, setting my formal table this year. However I LOVED my brother and sister in law opening their home to include my parents. Their house is spacious and warm and she makes sure everyone is delighted with the menu. As much as I love hosting, I love to be hosted.  Thank you to all family members that roll with our tradition of being flexible.  Thank you to choir directors and coaches that allow us to miss a bit of the season or special services.

I recognize I have family I love and who love me.  It isn't perfect- we fight, bicker, disagree and not everyone follows this logic and feelings are hurt, disappointment happens.  This is LIFE! We find the joy where we can and oh we do!  Reality is our kids are learning what life is all about through holiday and Life on NG Traditions!  It will be interesting to see how our kids execute holidays.  Clare talked about that she doesn't love to cook and questioned how will she will ever make a turkey. Quickly declaring-she wants a husband that cooks.  We talked about how I was taught to do the meal- watching my mother. I'm that kind of cook. Clare will not be that kind of cook- she follows a recipe to the tee.  However I told her I will come make her turkey!  Oh if I could have a crystal ball!  And yes, my parents were flexible at the holidays too. I have many amazing memories in warm welcoming homes with extended family (both of my parents are only children) so we went to Great Aunt and Uncle homes and their families.  I understand why my mother still wants to host and I do love to "go home".  It isn't always easy but it is worth it.

As Madonna sings- it would be so nice...Holiday....a time to Celebrate!
It was nice, a very nice holiday weekend, showcasing Gratitude and family time!
Life on Newark-Granville is looking forward to launching  December this week and the holiday fun that it brings.

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