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Monday, July 29, 2019

Philanthropy's Sweet Spot

During the conversation with my seatmate flying to Colorado Monday, he asked me what was taking me to Colorado Springs?  I enthusiastically answered- a conference being hosted at the Airforce Academy. His reply: oh that will be great if you like those sorts of things.  My internal answer- oh I do, this conference in particular I do.  I type today on the way home from the conference and I'm here to say- it did not disappoint!

This seatmate had already inquired about my work and I share openly that I work to gain philanthropic support from parents and families at Denison University.  He is a parent of a college student and was eager to share insights, thoughts - a proud father.  He also admitted he has spent time with development folks.  Somehow I jogged his memory to jump on-line to buy football tickets at his alma mater- that was the day to do so.  He was quite grateful I helped him execute.

While I was preparing to depart for the conference I received this article from Denison's baseball coach-Coach Deegan in my inbox.  I really enjoy his blog posts and perspectives.  This one is a good one.  The timing was perfect as I'm doing some soul searching on further development and philanthropy is my sweet spot. Reading his sports analogy resonated with me. Although I've not found the sweet spot with a bat I have found it on the golf course. A friend shared her love of the thwack sound a driver makes and I could not agree more!  My excitement to attend the conference affirmed Coach's questions and points about my career path and my responsibilies within philanthropy.

So just what did I learn at this conference?  And why do I like to attend?
1st- I'm with my peeps! Parent and Family Philanthropy is exciting, challenging and like nothing I've ever done before.  I'm the only one at Denison tasked with this role so spending a few days learning, comparing notes and stories with others that do what I do is very rewarding.  These are good folks at great schools from all over the country! Approaching the work in a variety of ways all with success!

2nd- Our the United States Airforce Academy was incredible. The location alone was a treat- Colorado Springs, the mountains, the architecture- stunning! The content- we were provided the opportunity to go a day early for sessions in their Center for Leadership and Character! Wow- the inspiration, the expertise, the motivation, the deeper understanding and approach was beautiful.  Bonus- books I've read and am reading were key to researchers- see blog post on summer reading!!
3rd- incredible honor and opportunity- special tours of the academy's grounds and programs.  Today we met the 20-year-olds teaching para jumping and glider/acrobatics- they have found their sweet spots.  I walk away from the USAFA all the more grateful for the service, commitment, grit, moxy of all those attending (and have graduated) and serving at USAFA and in the service.

4th - Sessions on Philanthropy- excited to jump in and apply some tweaks to our program at Denison.  Grateful for the time to reflect on my approach and relationships- time to turn it up. Parents and Family make a wonderful difference for Denison and I'm honored to have the role that greets them early in their process and shares the journey!  I'm proud of the work we've done in four years, grateful for all those that have been part of it in so many ways and excited for the future.

Life on Newark-Granville Road take away is that every bat, golf club, person's sweet spot is unique and we can't find it alone- we need pitchers, coaches, teammates, parents, fans.  It takes some time and the journey is key.  Thanks for reading and being part of this exciting part of my life.  Thanks to those that helped me take a week in Colorodo to reflect, learn and engage!

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