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Monday, July 15, 2019

Summer Reading 2019- to be continued....

Summer is about reading.....I love summer and highlights are: what will I read, what did I read, what am I reading.....

1st up to share: Pam Houston's Deep Creek, Finding Hope in the High Country- after meeting the author and hearing her read and share Denison and life reflections at the reunion this jumped to the top of my list.  I'm so glad it did.  I finished it on the beach - a favorite summer reading spot!  Here is a review far better than I can share:

I love that this review is from Outside magazine.  I put in my phone notes during her talk- read more article by Pam from Outside! This is what her partner told me- a treat to meet him after reading the book.

So then- back to books I've started, or need to read for book clubs or ??? But while reviewing my phone notes I found- The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George  What I'd like to know is who or what inspired me to make that note.  I found it while on vacation, perfect timing as while vacationing I LOVE to go to bookstores.  Sad not to be visiting NC beach favorites this year was thrilled to find a good one at the Delaware beach and voila there was "Little Paris" waiting for me.  I jumped in recently and was immediately transported to France and the life and memories of Monsieur Perdu and his band of merry men.  Thank you universe for this sweet read.  The Discussing Books at CVL group will be so pleased- we love books that take place in book stores!  I look forward to discussing this with a number of people.

And as stated this will be a blog post that is revisited and updated with other books that share my life on Newark-Granville Road this summer!

Oh, do I love a good road trip with someone else driving!  An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
I started it on the drive down, enjoyed it poolside a bit and finished it on the ride home.  Thank you Denison book club- great selection, a good discussion that I attended despite barely starting the book but you all inspired me to read on and I am glad I did.  The characters and story are very interesting and the main subject important- wrongly incarcerated black men. Sigh.  The essay by the author in the back of my edition was poignant and has me looking forward to her visit:   Sept 18th- Denison's Beck Series in partnership with the Columbus Museum of Art!  I'm always fascinated by an author's process, Ms. Jones shares this with us and it makes so much sense.  A beautiful novel- I'm still processing and may track down some book club friends to pick up the conversation now that I've read it.  I'm not sure I would have picked this up- grateful for book clubs and the subjects that books put in front of us in my life on NG Road!

Listening to an important book, a fascinating book- so much of it is spot on as I think of my kids and our parenting approach.  Just really getting started..looking forward to some drive time coming up for more time with this subject and author.  iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us by Dr. Jean Twenge

And woo-hoo- lucky me- Discussing Books and Denison book clubs are discussing the same book in August! I love when this happens!! A Place for Us by Fatima Farhean Mirza  I listened to this book - thanks to Road Trips of Summer 2019 (read about those on other posts!)  What a saga- sigh and another opportunity for me to peek inside a culture different from my own yet connected like all families are.

Joe's reading Evel by Leigh Montville  FYI...
More books coming soon.....

Great when you attend a conference and all the books mentioned by speakers are already in your library/ in progress:

Dare to Lead by Brene Brown:  Anything by this author/speaker/researcher is wonderful, timely, important.  I'm discussing her work with friends, colleagues and it was no surprise to hear about her partnership directly at the United States Airforce Academy's Center for Leadership and Character.  More on this later- what an honor to be here.

Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry

Traction- Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman- okay so this has not been shared at the conference yet- I'm really enjoying it as it aligns so well with our approach to work with the MGO team at Denison!

And Peter's Summer list- first up- Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby- I'm reading it too! Interesting but, some beautiful sentiments, analogies...all the player names....hmmmm

Just finished, thanks to a colleague/friend:   The Alice Network by Kate Quinn- very enjoyable historical fiction!  A nice companion to my travels. I arrived home and had to finish- needed to know the ending!

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