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Friday, October 2, 2009

Saturday Fun- Get out the Windbreakers!

So many things happening tomorrow in Licking County- I know I'm missing some but I can't help but highlight some that have been shared with me and I will be attempting to attend:
The Granville Township Fire Department will be hosting it’s annual Fire Prevention Week open house tomorrow (10/3) on Prospect street from 1-3pm. We will not only have our apparatus and station open to the community but we will also be doing a live auto extrication demonstration behind the station as well as live fire extinguisher training for kids!!
 We will also have a smoke house again this year. If children have not experienced the smoke house before, it is an invaluable teaching tool on how to look for a means of egress from a smoke filled residence. As a department we pride ourselves on our education of the children in this community staring at the pre-school level. We would welcome any and all families to stop by tomorrow, say hello, and hopefully learn something at the same time!

ALSO Antique Fair at Robbins Hunter Museum, Chili Cook-Off and
Harvest Fest at The Works (5-7 pm) are all rain or shine- but forecast is calling for wind!!  All of thing provide great access and fun - food, unique items, music and play and ALL benefit impressive important non profits that make our community very special!  (OH - and I haven't mentioned the new exhibit at the Works - personnal community connections to war - I had a sneak peak and it was very moving!

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