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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Facebook Lesson- JIT

JIT (just in time) methodology, inventory control, manufacturing was king when I worked in the automotive manufacturing and distribution industry for ten years.  It made sense then for the work and is something I've carried to my life beyond work.  I'm not a Sam's Club/ Costco shopper- for the most part due to space.  I didn't have a pantry until two years ago.  The logic for those that don't know- the product might be less expensive in bulk, but storing it has a cost that may not make the original product cost worthwhile.  For things that expire, if you buy too much, it might go bad before use and creating waste costs.  Buy what you need for when you need it.  Like all things you need to strike a balance- some things work to have a in the future supply- like funds- or TP.  So what is the point of the blog and JIT today you may ask....

Leason about Facebook.  Last night I changed my profile pic and background header pictures- I should of waited. In my life on Newark-Granville Road Love is in the air.  This month has happy love filled events- my sister's birthday, actual Valentines Day!  Joe's birthday is the end of the month and our wedding anniversary is Feb 20th.  So last night I changed the pictures and pulled pictures that showcase these events.  I've confused the Facebook friend world- they all wished Joe happy birthday.  The picture I selected was from a past birthday dinner, it shows him with a well lit cake.  I like this pic as it represents our life on NG Road- family time around the table, celebrating birthdays together- it repped the month. I didn't realize I was suppose to do JIT Facetime.  I thought that was snapchat....which I just can't do.    Now if I could JIT my closet and clothes.....

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