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Sunday, February 2, 2020

Great Events- Feb 28th- two to choose!

Feb 28th- don't want to wish the month away but it is going to be a good good night!

1st- St. Luke's Episcopal Church of Granville is uniting the community with food and fellowship for the Inaugural Low Country Boil. "Baptizing Shrimp One Pot At A Time"

The Low Country Shrimp Boil is a fundraiser for St. Luke's which will be held on February 28, 2020 in the Undercroft with a silent auction in the church. Tickets are available for $30.00 per person in the Paris Office, M-F, 9:00 am - Noon.

This will be the first Friday of lent- no fish fry at St Ed's that night...plan to attend, no doubt it will be a great event! Unless you are a Newark Rotarian.....

Another option as our guest....Newark Rotary event for the Newark Rotary Foundation: Around the World with Rotary! 6-9:30 pm, Heritage Hall- international food stations by LMH, cash bar and music by Big Bad Stach! The Newark Rotary Foundation built and maintains Rotary Park as a way of caring for children of special needs! Other interests and focus: Education at all levels and the advancement and perpetuation of the American Free Enterprise System  Learn more here:  Want to know about our club? We meet on Wednesdays at lunch at Moundbuilders Country Club. We are a part of an International Organization making an impact through service, learn more here:  or ask me, join me for a meeting to see for yourself.

Life on Newark-Granville Road - conflicted about February 28th- life isn't fair and the best things are always on the same day- always!!

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