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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Love and Light Launched!

We've arrived- one of the best set of days of the year- Christmas Eve day and into the 12 Days of Christmas!  Note Thanksgiving, 4th of July, the Summer Solstice (regular blog readers will know as this is what inspires posts) are the other best days of the year.  So with the 12 Days of Christmas comes the debate- when are the 12 days, do they end with epiphany- Jan 6, Sally's birthday or the 5th.  When you google this - most agree with Peter's point- however, Jan 6th is still the day we celebrate the arrival of the Magi, Sally's birthday and that is when usually (there have been exceptions) we take down the tree. In the meantime we soak up Christmas. I've worked hard this month and have loved it, I've been in the moment BUT I love this time of year!

Life on Newark-Granville Road 2019 Christmas Day was celebrated with the Leithausers. Ann hosted- thank you so much.
Good work W. Leithausers
this pic sums up the day! Thank you W.Leithausers

Nadine and Jim making the trip from Sherwood, we did miss Alicia and Caiden. The Westerville Leithausers have a beautiful, comfortable home with space and activities galore!  The traditional meal has evolved to make sure everyone is happy and I love how our kids' involvement.  This year Clare contributed with her mac n cheese! She is growing up, I love this stage of our lives- college and college approaching kids. It was great to see Will and catch up on his Cincinnati and co-op work in the DC area!  I'm so lucky to have Ann- we're married to brothers- a week or so ago I was able to stop by and we brainstormed our gathering and menu. I enjoy bringing sides to round out or meet a wish- this year it was take-ahead mashed potatoes (to go with Ann's beef tenderloin), Brussels sprouts with pomegrante seeds- festive (found a yummy recipe with apple cider vinegar) and Ga-Ga shrimp as an appetizer (I've been in a shrimp mode.)   Ann had ham for Will, green bean casserole for Clare, corn pudding. Nadine and Jim provide fruits and veggies that are a treat. Dessert was red velvet cheesecake with amazing cookie selections. Clare is with me- cornflake holiday cookies take the day, in fact, she did take them in the car- they didn't make it home. Yum!  Really a beautiful day because- as Ann said during the toast- she had read the recent article on the importance of cousins- first friends- we're all glad we do like one another and get along and look forward to being together! Next up- New Year's Eve- dinner planning started over dessert! And we're debating the start of the actual decade.  Nadine brought up honest conversation about supporting them as they age, making decisions- she had read that when families unite it is a good time.  She is right and I'm grateful we are able to communicate and be honest.  It isn't easy, it isn't perfect, in fact,  it is just hard.  Nadine and Jim (by the way) look and are great!   Fun holiday gift exchange emceed by Caroline on the new Kareoke machine- what a hit!  I'll wrap up it there- so much more to share but we'll just have to remember ourselves.

Christmas Eve day was really special.  I won't go into too many details but want to chronicle the love as Christmas is all about love.  Maybe that is what I hold dear about this stretched out holiday - we do what we love, we buy and give for love- our faith inspires and calls us to action to love. I love traditions, I love gathering around table and the preperation to do so.  Christmas eve for us included our dear neighbors and friends for ice skating (tradition well documented in past posts) and then post church dinner in both our homes- two tables!!  The 6:30 pm service was lovely and I enjoyed seeing so many people and being part of this service that indeed told us- go out into the world caring Christ's light and love- He is Born for Us.  We came home and love and light radiated.

Merry Christmas to all that celebrate.  Happy Hanukkah to our Jewish friends.  Those that celebrate other religious, are spiritual or atheist- it is the season of short days and appreciation for light and love-my wish for you. Light, love and laughter- our world needs and we can all give.  My life on Newark-Granville Road is blessed and loving this 1st or 2nd day of Christmas!   Next up- Stoner Christmas as Nana and Pap arrive tomorrow!

Pictures to tell the rest of the story:

silly kids arguing on Christmas morning- my answer to shut it down.
thank you friend

Clare is loved- Wooster love
He opens this gift last for a reason.

Yes they have to wait until we're ready.  Lucy here too!

A very special Christmas Eve dinner

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