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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Politics and Government- This Week on NG Road!

We talk politics in our house, in my life on Newark-Granville Road.  We value and respect the opportunity to engage, agree to disagree, explore....I am an extrovert and need to do so!  Lots of politics lately in my life on Newark-Granville Road...

Today- we sent Clare and pal Charlotte with other friends to Youth in Government.  A fantastic program that  A big shout out and thank you to all involved for making this happen- such a great experience.  Clare really doesn't like to miss school and certainly doesn't like missing Lacrosse games...or even practise (you should of seen the reaction when I accidentally scheduled a Dr. appointment interfering with lax- geesch!) so to leave school today, miss the game and be part of YIG- it must be intriguing and fun, interesting and valuable. We think so, but love that she thinks so! Here is a picture I snapped at our breakfast before school. This pic was on Facebook and I agree - so proud of our girls and their bill and all they will learn...and happy for the fun they will have while making memories!

Tonight we'll head to campus and attend the program the college Democrats and college Republicans are hosting together-  Former Senator Joe Lieberman.  Last night I had the privilege to hear Senator Richard Lugar '54 and Senator Bob Graham talk about political polarization at the start of the Lugar Symposium.  Inspiring to be in the presence of such leadership.  Denison proud and connected in so many ways to so much good in my life on Newark-Granville Road.

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