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Monday, October 19, 2020

Seeing the Good

 “It’s easy to spot a red car when you’re always thinking of a red car.

It’s easy to spot opportunity when you’re always thinking of

opportunity. It’s easy to spot reasons to be mad when you’re always

thinking of being mad. You become what you constantly think about.

Watch yourself.” – Denzel Washington

Newark Rotary President Barb Quackenbush shared this quote last week and it has stayed with me. Then this morning I read my colleague Mandi's Facebook post inspired by her worship yesterday- seek the joy.  Mandi reflected on the good the in the past few months of COVID times and it made me smile and think.  

It can be so easy to see the not good, the scary, the problems.  The change to "red" status in Licking County certainly put me in that place. I'm grateful to Mandi and Barb's for the reminder.  I certainly do love our community, our home, my work, my family,  and my friends.  The time within and with is a COVID blessing. Yes, a blessing.  Bane and Blessings, the double-edge swords, the continuums that are everywhere!

My day started with yoga (online)- a class I'm in probably because I'm not traveling.  A class I'm grateful for an need.  I've had quality time with Joe, Sally, and Lucy- time that will always be treasured. At the same time, I am grateful Peter and Clare are where they are- so happy, in their place.  Our time together in the spring was a blessing as is our time away provides so many opportunities to be happy, to be growing and learning.  COVID certainly has me growing and learning and not just in the IUPUI graduate classes.  Working on zoom and how to work remotely are new skills.  The reset and relook opportunities cannot be ignored.   In my life on Newark-Granville Road I can't say I have achieved greatness during COVID but I can say there have been many great moments, filled with joy and I am grateful.

1 comment:

Adam said...

great post and definately Exercise is about having fun and change some nutrition routines and adding some other to keep a balance… diabetes doctor