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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Valentines Card, this year's opportunity to reach out to friends that sent us holiday cards and we like to stay in touch. We're grateful for the cyber opportunity here to reach out to you too! I hope you can magnify and read!!  The details behind the photos are:
1.Top Left (11 o'cloc)  Turkey Trot Tgiving Day 2012- we all ran! moving around clockwise:
2. USS Yorktown- Charleston, SC- Spring Break 2012
3. Peter Camp Willson- 2012
4.Clare and Joe-2013 @ Johnstown- big win
5. Susan and Joe in Cuba- October 2012
So the bummer is on DERBY- we have the date wrong- HATE proofing after printing...argh....but the KY Derby 139 logo has it right- May 4th!!! Look forward to seeing you then if not before!!
This is just a peak at our fun lives on Newark-Granville Road! Visit the blog often to stay in touch, email or give us a call!! Wishing you love all year round!!

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