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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

includes ART!

How do you define art? How does art factor into your life?  Do you have interest in helping promote the arts in Licking County via The Works, being connected to a group that will?  Fun questions to ponder....and a blog gives me a place to explore and inquire and share, I hope you will respond and provide input as I work on this at work. And here is some why and some of my answers and why.....

I probably have a pretty traditional moving to the side of very open view of art.  My father is an architect and my parents valued art, creativity, color and design in my upbringing. The value modern furniture and blend it well with antiques. We talked about art, we practiced it- fond memories of playing "guess what I'm drawing" at the white table, during cocktail hour while waiting for dinner to be finished or in restaurants father would draw objects in strategic ways revealing the subject slowly.  We also loved brain teasers by the way...I took a few art classes and think I was pretty good- I won a contest at the mall for painting a beautiful bunny on an giant corrugated egg- I loved that bunny.  But something happened and I stopped doing art....there wasn't time for everything and I was certainly involved in "the arts"- music, dance, theater.  I think it may have to do with patience....

So I've always enjoyed having art in my home- my apartments as a single person- Maysville was a great place for me to acquire- a few favorite's by Stephen White.  I remember buying prints from favorite pieces found in museums- the DIA in Michigan was a great place to spend a Saturday.  I moved to my Federal-Mogul cities and didn't know people. My early years the museums and libraries were my company and places to not be alone.  My parents have given me a number I adore that bring my beloved Mason-Dixon line area to my life on Newark-Granville Road and recently we've collected a few Kathy Anderson- even more special to know the artist and count her a friend.  The piece purchased for me by dear friends when I chaired HATSOFF 2006 inspired the pallet for our brightened up living room and touches my heart.  Joe values art too and early conversation when dating was his regard for the Spanish artist (we revisited this with Kristine to prepare her for her trip to Madrid!) and Picasso's Sabine is now a favorite.  To build on our original collection we started with small selections and are happy to have Jane Heller, Don Gunnerson and Joe Sinsabaugh's works in our book shelves.  Jay Young's work we bought at the very first HATSOFF! and it was if we knew it would fit in so many places in our home- little did we know it was the where Works' founder Howard LeFevre raised his family.  I remember visiting Jay's small studio to purchase my parents 25th Anniversary gift.  I type and look around at other pieces that inspire me and I'm grateful my parents set this example.  We've enjoyed picking up pieces on travel and I'm thrilled with the oil from Cuba we just had stretched and framed- its new home will be the dining room- look for it at Derby!

So I started this to give some details about the picture I've posted of my latest art acquisition- a Jeny Reynolds.  I've always been drawn to Jeny's work- her colors and abstract landscapes.  When I first met her I wasn't in a place to hang the work- silly me.  Once I brought the bold happy colors to the house I've craved updating the art, rearranging the favorites and now happily welcome my Jeny Reynolds Vase.  She is so creative and innovative and upbeat. She keeps creating and sharing her talent and I'm grateful SunBear Studio had this piece waiting for me when I picked up the Cuba piece.  I encourage you to take some time to visit SunBear in Alexandria- take a class, find unique gifts and quite possibly find special art that will make you smile too.

I could go on and on but I'll wrap up for now and hope you'll engage with me about art via email or the blog or facebook- or better yet in person!! Best yet drop in to The Works to see Joanna's incredible show before it is gone this weekend....she is innovative and so talented- you will be glad to say you saw her when.... My dear supporter Mary Helen is an inspiring artist in my life and such an encourager of this blog and the work we do at The Works!! Art Does Save Lives- we know her perspective well!! I get to see her for Messy Monkey's and that will make me smile as I engage with parents and grandparents and 2-4 year artist!! My life on Newark-Granville Road includes art in so many forms- thank goodness- thank you to all those that make that happen.


Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

Your kind words touched my soul tonight...Art is such a human characteristic....Grace made visible. I LOVE Sunbear Gallery and Studios...Meredith is an advocate for the arts for all the ages. Now Jenny Reynolds is beyond description for me.... a woman in a state of grace. Thank you for all you do to support the Arts here in Licking county. I am going to miss our Joanna!!! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

SSLeithauser said...

Thanks Mary Helen!!