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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

WOW! Amazing people in our lives…..

It truly does take a village to care for our children….and pull off a major fundraiser!! Today I experienced amazing people doing amazing things that impact individuals and the community!!

The lock-down this afternoon in Granville was very scary for many- but my children were well cared for - deep down I knew this was the case and I rolled with the news.  Wow- that my parents heard about it as well as Denison friends from back east….we are so connected and the care was gratifying.

Most of my day was seeing first hand so many people and the work they do on behalf of The Works!  I'm happy to report we have 307 people committed to HATSOFF! WOW!…we may have to get creative with the remaining reservations!!  It is true  that "Each year, it seems like the HATSOFF! fundraiser is the event of the year"  Pat Jeffries shared this sentiment in the article below that helped us meet our attendance goal!! Nice work Emily Maddern

Today was a day filled with incredible meetings with incredible people from all over the county. I visited with Don Gunnerson again to see what his inspiration delivered for the HATSOFF! live auction- WOW!  I walked into his studio and declared the man brilliant!  I met with hard working dedicated Park National Bank servers, caring volunteer bartenders and the LMH lead crew who deliver an incredible dinner on Saturday the 13th from a parking lot!!

The night will be magical for so many reasons- but ultimately because of wonderful people that make my life on Newark-Granville road filled with WOW! And the people that care for our children so I can be doing my job- WOW!  I'm reminded that WOW means Yes in Woolif-we learned this in Senegal and YES I do have amazing people in my life on Newark-Granville Road!

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