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Friday, February 14, 2014

favorite gift on Valentines Day….

So when we go to The Fish Fry….for us it is the St. Edwards in Granville. We love to have a cocktail here, invite friends, walk down…this doesn't always work- snow, rain…but I have fond memories and am thinking positive now and visualizing that light spring weather to accompany this beloved activity.  Anyway- when we go to fish fries often extra "beer" tickets make their way to us.  It started when I went pregnant and Joe received my tickets and then people would be walking out, having not used theirs and give them to us- we love it! We love enjoying this wonderful community event where people linger and catch-up and support this parish.

So today I realized we've grown up, now when people have Scotch they don't want, or receive and won't consume- they give it to us. I received a beautiful bottle today- best Valentines gift received on Newark-Granville Road. Joe recently received a peaty single malt for above reason. this makes me smile.

St Valentines Day on Newark-Granville Road…there are indeed saints in our world…the ones who give scotch and so much more, Rotary Roses- these lead to service above self, the cake pop baker/delivery driver, the volunteer who coordinated Valentines Tea at Kendal for two darling girl scout troops….Life is filled with love of good things on Newark-Granville Road.

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