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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

things about me…..

Few little things to share, not sure why they are in my head but they are. I like to document stuff like this here as I dont' journal and when the kids want to look back on who their mother is- they'll know.  Also it is what shapes my life and decisions, may connect you to me a bit more or less, but maybe you'll understand our differences.  "Strength finder" is a favorite tool at work and with Joe and I- I put this up there with it- insight.  So here goes, in my life on Newark-Granville Road I like:

-things to be fair, but accept and teach my children, life isn't fair
- to choose the positive and understand my make up lets me do this
-to belive love conquers all and believe God's love does
-to get my energy from serving and being with people
- to cozy up in my bed with good book
-to go a day without washing my hair
-to be inclusive and don't like people to be left out
-to be entertained and invited
- to accept conflict, but do not like fighting
-that I can say I'm wrong and admit to mistakes- but I don't like to make the errors.
-cocktail time.
- soft shell crabs, hard shell crabs, crab cakes and Md crab soup (tomato base)

Enough for tonight….

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