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Thursday, October 17, 2013

welcome guests!

Okay so the guests are my parents..... but still...amazing how quickly we reduce the piles, finish a few to-dos (hanging pictures) and set a table....LOVE when guests arrive!  This is why we do our Derby Party (1st Saturday in May)...we get ready!  Those of you driving by will now notice framed art hanging in the dining room- it has been prompted up for months.  I added a few other new and beloved photos.  Sally is so happy to see these pictures- she didn't know them - they've been down since we painted everything in the front rooms. The pictures of my darling toddlers- each unique- Peter on a swing, Clare in a rocking chair and Sally withe black-eyed Susan's....her pinkie wrapped from our 1st trip to the Emergency Room- she recently had told the story of her sister pulling her finger out of a closed door and now she has the visual documentation!

I also pulled out our fall decorations- Works glass pumpkins, our toilet paper fabric wrapped pumpkins and the beautiful fall things from my "Around the Year" shower in Hagerstown!  Interesting this is the night the windows were officially closed and the heat turned have asked/begged a few mornings but we've resisted.  Tonight was the night.  Sally has a mind of her own- wow!  She turned the heat all the way up.....glad we caught that.  She also changes clothes on a dime and ends up not in Leithauser sanctioned garb....keep us posted- it will take this village to raise her!  But she is darling- they all are.  You know we have small mice..still working on those...he he...we went out tonight and came home to the 80lb mouse the nights with no school in the mornings and mom and dad meet friends.  Life on Newark-Granville Road is ready for our guests and fall!

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