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Thursday, September 5, 2013

saying thank you and goodbye to a volunteer.

I'm going to use my blog space to say thank you one more time to this wonderful Works volunteer. Syliva Price passed away this week and we're certainly going to miss her.  She was Janice LoRaso's "go to girl"and what I would call a devoted regular on the Works volunteer team.  The Works can't work without volunteers.  The thousands of youth and adults that visit for programs, tours, camps, classes, experiences, etc...can't happen with 16 full and part time staff- not possible.  The Works volunteers make it all happen and do it because they want to, because they believe in the mission and want to touch lives. Most pick a speciality/favorite area and for Sylvia it was art.

Thank you Sylvia for loving art and wanting to share your creativity with others. Thank you Sylvia for helping keep our youth safe and on task.  Thank you Sylvia for openly and honestly communicating with us.  I can hear your laugh and sigh sometimes with a tsk and head nod....your actions of being so ever present meant the world to us @ The Works and you will be very very missed.

It was an honor to meet your sisters this week and hear more about you.  We'll take some lessons from this experience- you'll continue to teach us.  Tomorrow we'll gain more understanding and continue to honor and thank you at the service for you. My life on Newark-Granville Road is better because you were apart of something so important to this community and to me and I thank you Sylvia.

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